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Newsletter Feature!  

"You can keep up with everything coming from Galante's prolific imagination via social media, proof that there's still delight to be found in the oft-fraught platforms.”

I'm a little bit famous! 

A friend of Vanessa Lowe (producer of Nocturne) sent her an email the other day. It was an industry newsletter called "Inside Podcasting." It turns out that they featured me and my artwork (including my work with Nocturne, my neighborhood portraits and my dream drawings) in the latest issue. I had no idea! It…

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We're on the radio! 

Hey everyone!

... Well, the new version of radio. Eric and I were interviewed for the latest episode of the Nocturne podcast, "(This is Not A) Love Song". It was a lot of fun and the episode is, like all their episodes, intriguing and multi-layered. 

Nocturne is steadily climbing the iTunes charts - as of today, it's #24 in the "Society & Culture" Top Podcasts category (kind of a big deal - sharing space with This American Life, Hearing Voices, Freakonomics and others). I'm still illustrating each episode…Read more

Nocturne Podcast: Art and sound, together.  

I've always been a night person. As you've probably seen, I am a huge fan of dreaming and love to illustrate my dreams as a way to remember and understand them. Sometimes I find myself awake in the wee hours of the morning. It can be a time of wonder, of solitude, and of quiet creativity. And other times, it's not

A few months back, songwriter/podcast producer Vanessa Lowe asked me to design a logo for her new podcast, Nocturne, a beautiful collection of stories about the night. Now, we are embarking on a…Read more